Quick tips to help you relax and prepare for your next adventure in Crested Butte, Colorado

With so much natural beauty and adventures to experience in Crested Butte, we know it can be challenging to relax and unwind. Creekside Spa offers many luxurious spa treatments to help you reset and prepare for your next adventure.

Preparing for the adventures ahead can help you get the most out of your experience in Crested Butte. We hope these quick tips for relaxation will help you. Our reception area is ready for you, walk-in or book online to schedule your next massage and facial.


Top tips for relaxation in Crested Butte, CO

  1. Schedule pre and post-self-care time

    With work, vacation activities, and time with family and friends, our schedules can become full of fun and responsibility. By scheduling self-care time, you can create a new routine to improve your well-being. Whether it’s a short walk alone, time to read or write, meditation, or health treatments like massage, booking time for you can make a big difference in your day!

    If you are preparing for a big adventure, schedule pre and post-self-care time. This allows you to prepare and recover properly to get the most out of your activities. With massages customized for athletes to a pre-flight facial, Creekside Spa offers treatments specific to your needs.

  2. Take moments during busy times to appreciate the natural beauty around you.

    Allowing yourself to focus on a small natural element can increase your presence, lower your heart rate, and bring calmness to your adventure. You can do this in the middle of dinner or during an adventure. Simply find a small or large element around you, notice the colors, shapes, and scents, and after a moment, get back to your activity. The element you choose is up to you and your surroundings; from a rock to a rainbow, Crested Butte is full of animals, plants, and scenery to take in.

    If you can spend time outside with your shoes off, feeling the natural ground underneath your feet is shown to have many positive physical and mental health effects.

  3. Reduce screentime

    We all know we should, but it’s worth the reminder. Taking time away from screens helps reduce stress, increase our outlook, and helps us relax. Ask your family and friends to join you in a short screen detox. Start by scheduling short times away from devices or consider leaving your phone during a brief activity. Tricks like a special drawer or container for phones can help keep the device “out of sight, out of mind.”

Creekside Spa’s Best Treatments for relaxation before or after your next adventure